Profile Shots

Profile Shots
Comparation of Before and After Profile Shots! Truly amazing and apparent changes! No more chinless me!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Problem Areas and Timeline of my Jaw Surgery Journey!!

Here is a list of the problems with my teeth/jaw proposed by my oral surgeon, Dr. Robert Relle, DDS.

1. Mild dolichofacial pattern
2. Class II malocclusion
3. Occlusal plane cant-down on right
4. Maxillary asymmetry-cant and midline to left of midsagittal
5. Mandibular asymmetry-cant and chin point deviated to left

Here is a list of my journey to the perfect set of teeth so far:
11/2008 - Braces consultation
12/2009 - Braces and palate expander come on
12/2010 - 1st oral surgery consultation
2/21/2011 - 2nd oral surgery consultation
4/6/2011- 3rd oral surgery consultation
5/4/2011 - 4th oral surgery consultation & decided to go with Dr. Relle
6/2011 - Palate expander comes off
7/19/2011 - 1st pre-op with Dr. Relle
8/5/2011 - 2nd pre-op with Dr. Relle & Anesthesiologist
8/5/2011 - Surgical Prep with Orthodontist!
8/12/2011 - Le Fort I/BSSO/Genio advancement @ 5:30am
8/18/2011 - 1st Post-op
8/26/2011 - 2nd Post-op
9/5/2011 - 3rd Post-op
7/2012 - Month quoted for Debracing but hopefully it'll be sooner!

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